Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Socially Undesirable Bias

Thanks to Josh Marshall:
In reference to a Washington Post/ABC News poll, WaPo/ABC news poll:

While overall discomfort with an African-American president is much lower (than discomfort over age), it rises among less-educated whites - the same group that's been a challenge for Obama in the Democratic primaries. Among whites who haven't gone through college, 17 percent say they'd be at least somewhat uncomfortable with a black president; that compares with just 4 percent of white college graduates. Clinton may face a similar problem, however; less-educated whites also are more apt to be uncomfortable with a woman president (21 percent, vs. 7 percent of white
college graduates).
Is this why HRC is pressing the case that he can't win in November? See the WaPo article on overtly racist attacks on campaign staff. See WV exit polls: "One in four Clinton voters and about one in 10 Obama voters said race was an important factor in their vote." Per HuffPo

Please, say we've risen above this.


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