Friday, April 18, 2008

None of Your Damn Business in Russian

Vladimir Putin denying rumors that he has split up with his wife and is going to marry a 20-something member of the Russian parliament:
"I have always reacted negatively to those who with their snotty noses and erotic fantasies prowl into others' lives."

Bill Clinton couldn't have said it better himself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty insensitive if you ask me, as I suffer from seasonal hayfever. Unlike Putin, who suffers from rolling-in-the-hayfever.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd rather he fooled around with 20-something Olympic stars than the rest of his compatriots (and not only them). BTW, no translation would do justice to his ugly semi-criminal argot of late. I've never heard American politicians of any stripes talk that way, only late night profane comedians maybe... Imagine American president talking about the leaders of some militant separatist movement (say, Black Panthers) - we'll be "popping them in their outhouses" (that's what Putin said about Chechen separatists a couple of years ago).

2:35 PM  

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