Thursday, June 01, 2006

Did It Happen Again?

The Rolling Stone/Robert F. Kennedy Jr. investigation claiming proof that the 2004 election was as tainted as 2000. I fear that without video of Karl Rove burning ballots or bashing voters in Cleveland, this report will be dismissed as a) sour grapes; b) too little too late; or c) too bad.

It is difficult to imagine that the most basic function of our democracy, a citizen's right to vote is so mismanaged at the least, or criminally corrupt at worst, that we cannot have faith that the votes of the majority will be honored. Alternately, people believe that their government is so corrupt that this won't surprise them, that corruption being equally distributed between Dems and R's that it comes out in the wash.

As Jay says:

I still wonder...if we can't count on the press to chase stories with Carl Bernstein-type verve(especially while wearing tweed jackets and wide ties), then we might as well give up. I'll need to find a different profession. (Note: Jay is a great journalist).

I believe people are willing to accept being misled, I assume even I am to a point. What's the saying? American minds are malleable but not self-malleable? Fine.

But with Bush, it's strange, it's almost zombie like. If I believe even shreds of the "conspiracy theories" of 9/11, of Iraq, of Nov. 2004, then the "misleading" being done by the current administration grossly outweighs what we'd term "normal cheating." It's the scope of the misleading that makes it unbelievable. So, I guess then, people don't believe it. You'd like to think as the species evolved, it'd get smarter. Nope. Who knew?

So, ok, he cheats to get more time in office. Then, under the guise of protecting us, he gets to run his own agenda. To what gain? Personal wealth? ( I think Oil, Iraq reconstruction). So it's all motivated by greed? While it is one of the seven deadly, you'd hope they could throw a few more big sins for good measure. Even Clinton had gluttony and lust.

I'm also kinda sick of hearing, "well Clinton was no better, he got bjs in the Oval Office." Yeah. Unless you're a metro DC drycleaner, I don't think that stuff impacted you much. egh


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Crispin Miller had a gripping, appalling story in Harper's, arguing that the 2004 election was stolen and wondering why the mainstream media has been so reluctant to face the issue.

9:16 PM  

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