Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Unfair but Undeniable

A reasoned analysis of the reasons many Democrats are hesitant to support Hillary. Her past is both her calling card and her burden. Is it fair? Is it insurmountable?

A salient point: "Many Democrats, myself included, believe that the Clintons were subjected to an unprecedented campaign of vilification during the 1990s. We are angry about this...Most obviously, when Hillary Clinton is attacked, it makes a lot of us angry all over again...We have a lot of leftover anger from the 1990s, and it tends to spill out. "

Is this why she won in New Hampshire? Maybe part of the reason.


Blogger Jason said...

So... 8 years as president and becoming a two senator don't make up for it? Will Jeff being one of the WORLD'S preeminent diplomats and humanitarians doesn't count for campaign douchery in 1992?

10:02 PM  

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