James or Mary?
That person to the right of Jesus sure looks like a woman to me.
"An intellectual hatred is the worst, So let her think her opinions are accursed. Have I not seen the loveliest woman born, Out of the mouth of Plenty's horn, Because of her opinionated mind, Barter that horn and every good, By quiet natures understood, For an old bellows full of angry wind?" W.B. Yeats
The following is from Andrew Sullivan, summarizing what might be the most critical argument against torture. It references the work of Charles Savage and his Pulitzer Prize winning book, "Takeover." It outlines why this administration is so dangerous. Because it is so reckless, and arrogant, and stupid!
"The torture techniques authorized by Rumsfeld, Bush and Cheney are not just immoral and illegal; they are a terrible threat to our national security. Why? Because they originated as a means to extract false confessions in totalitarian societies, not as a means to gain actual, workable intelligence, i.e. anything we might hope to think of as the truth. Many of the techniques were mirror images of techniques that American soldiers had been trained to resist if captured by Viet Cong or North Korean or Soviet thugs - the famous SERE training. They had also, of course, been used by the Nazis. Yes, these torture methods, in most cases, left no physical marks - precisely so that captured American soldiers could be shown on television giving confessions as if they were volunteering real information. But they were lying, of course, because torture forced them to lie. And so, in an unknowable number of cases, have the torture-victims of the Bush administration. One thing I'd forgotten, of course, is one central case in which torture did give us actionable intelligence:
"Al Qaeda continues to have a deep interest in acquiring weapons of mass destruction... I can trace the story of a sernior terrorist operative telling how Iraq provided training in these weapons to al Qaeda. Fortunately, this operative is now detained and he has told his story."
The man who spoke those words was Colin Powell at the UN. The "operative", we now know, was Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libbi. He was waterboarded and given Bush-approved hypothermia treatment, i.e. frozen till he could take it no longer. It was only then that he told of al Qaeda's links with Saddam's WMDs. Guess what? Libbi subsequently retracted his confession. According to ABC News, the CIA subsequently found al-Libbi "had no knowledge of such training or weapons and fabricated the statements because he was terrified of further harsh treatment." So I now realize that part of the reason I believed the WMD case for war against Saddam was because the Bush administration had been secretly torturing suspects and got false confessions. The biggest intelligence failure in recent US history - the WMD case in Iraq - was partly created by the torture policy.
The same story is true of another tortured prisoner, Abu Zubaydah, as recounted in Ron Suskind's book."
"They talk about sleep deprivation. I mean, on that theory, I'm getting tortured running for president of the United States. That's plain silly. That's silly." Rudolph GiulianiOK, come on. Are people still believing that I'm a moderate bullshit?
From Andrew Sullivan: "Giuliani tells the truth about what Bush and Cheney believe. Asked in Iowa last night whether he believed that waterboarding was torture, he replied:
It depends on how it's done. It depends on the circumstances. It depends on who does it."
It depends on who does it????
1. "Shifting Targets: The Administration's plan for Iran," The New Yorker, October 8, 2007.
2. "Cheney Targets Iran," Rolling Stone, October 18, 2007.
3. "The Redirection," The New Yorker, March 5, 2007.
4. "The Secret History of the Impending War with Iran That the White House Doesn't Want You to Know," Esquire, October 18, 2007.
5. "Big Coffers and a Rising Voice Lift a New Conservative Group," New York Times, September 30, 2007.
6. "Freedom's Watch targeting Iran," Media Transparency, October 17, 2007.
7. "Nuclear-Armed Iran Risks World War, Bush Says," New York Times, October 18, 2007.
8. "Cheney Targets Iran," Rolling Stone, October 18, 2007.
9. Video clip of Sen. McCain in Republican Debate. October 9, 2007.
But the engagement strategy was never serious and was designed to fail, they say. Over the last year, Rice has begun saying she would talk to "anybody, anywhere, anytime," but not to the Iranians unless they stopped enriching uranium first. That's not a serious approach to diplomacy, says (Hillary Mann, former Middle East policy expert for the National Security Council.) Diplomacy is about talking to your enemies. That's how wars are averted. You work up to the big things. And when U.S. ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker had his much-publicized meeting with his Iranian counterpart in Baghdad this spring, he didn't even have permission from the White House to schedule a second meeting.My twelve year old nephew recently asked his father if he could go to Canada if he gets drafted. Danny, I'll drive.
"I always believe that it is much better to have a variety of religions, a variety of philosophies, rather than one single religion or philosophy. This is necessary because of the different mental dispositions of each human being. Each religion has certain unique ideas or techniques, and learning about them can only enrich one's own faith."He sounds like a Unitarian!
His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama.
It is found mainly in the eastern regions of the US and has a 35% mortality rate.
Symptoms develop after three to 10 days, and include flu-like illness, inflammation of the brain, coma and death.
Did anyone else know that you can contract a deadly disease while fishing....in NEW HAMPSHIRE??