Saturday, October 27, 2007

What's Love Got To Do?

Following is a replay of a post from May 2007. I was rereading it, noticing the typos (I have since found the spell check) and also noticing that I feel the same way I did then. So, in case you missed it.

"Fall in love, then fall in line."

Bill Clinton

The President said this regarding the 2004 Democratic primaries, exhorting us to pick our preferred candidate until February and then fall in line behind the victor. Cupid has not yet struck me with an arrow, but have a crush on several candidates for different reasons. Like all crushes, I'm waiting for the spark to flame out or to fall completely for one of the multitude.

HRC: Madam President. Will be moving the first time I say it. Why shouldn't she? She's as smart, gutsy, calculating, shrewd, qualified, ambitious, and as ready as the rest of them.

Barack Obama: I was at the convention and will never forget the feeling of being truly inspired to live up to the ideals of our nation. Not easy to shake when we cling by our fingertips to our idealism. We in politics. We who want the war to stop and Guantanamo closed, and the wiretaps to be dismantled. Maybe we truly can be inspired ....and an inspiring nation again.

John Edwards: Often eloquent, touches of WJC in him (in spite of/because of the accent). His announcement in New Orleans, his talk about the two Americas (both of which he has lived in, granted).

Bill Richardson: I have to disqualify him in large part because of the combing his hair at the head table at a fancy New York benefit incident. That, and the disturbing relationships with women in and out of his employ. * Best resume, but the kind of candidate you leave for a guy with a motorcycle and no checking account.

Joe Biden: See Richardson * above.

Mike Gravel: Who the hell is Mike Gravel?

The Others: Yeah, whatever.

Al Gore: Get in just for the fun of it. What the hell? Everybody else is doing it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You call yourself enlightened? Not ONE post on meercats.

3:48 PM  

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